Dr. Darshan V. Doshi


Dr. Darshan V. Doshi (MS, FHNS)

Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon

Anamay Cancer Hospital is excellent centre for dealing with all kind of head and neck tumour. The hospital has fully equipped operation theatre having fiber optic intubation scope facility for awake intubation in difficult intubation. Operation theatre is fully equipped for laser surgery for all pre malignant and malignant lesion of oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. It is a 15 bedded hospital having surgical icu, delux , special and semispecial rooms. In 3 years we have operated more than 400 patients of benign and malignant head and neck tumors.

Education | Experience

  • MBBS From Gujarat Univerity
  • MS in Oncology from Gujarat Univerity
  • Fellowship in head and neck cancer surgery at Gujarat cancer research institute, Ahmedabad
  • Training in head and neck cancer surgery at Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) ,Mumbai
  • Private practice as head and neck surgeon since sept, 2008
  • Perfomed more than 2000 surgeries of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, thyroid, neck, sinonasai tract and salivary gland tumour
  • 2 Internation conference paper presentations
  • 5 National conference paper presentations
  • 4 Paper publications in Index Journals
  • 6 Drugs post marketing studies

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